Don's Procedures

  1. image
  2. On Monday
    1. Open up Adm program on my Computer
    2. Click Scores for week finished
      1. Click "web"
      2. Close
    3. Click spread and if present
      1. Select new week
      2. Click web, close
    4. Click "Online Integration"
      1. click Synchronization
      2. click pools and picks
      3. click update
      4. close
  3. (On Monday) Select Weekly Recap sheet (this gives scores and selections) for week just finished
    1. select weekly Recap sheets
    2. snip the chart
    3. click PicturePaste Premium (PPP)
    4. Convert in PPP
    5. Open Blog
      1. Go to New Post
      2. Paste the Recap Sheet in.
        1. might need to recopy on snip and drag from as paste (Ctr V) does not seem to work
        2. Publish
  4. (On Monday) When/ If Spreads here
    1. Click spread and if present
      1. Select new week
      2. Click web, close
    2. Click "Online Integration"
      1. click Synchronization
      2. click pools and picks
      3. click update
      4. close
  5. (On Monday) (alternative I think better as shows spreads and  record)
    1. Click Weekly Pick Sheets if new figures here
      1. Select new week
      2. Select "show Spreads"
      3. Click web, close
    2. snip the chart
    3. click PicturePaste Premium (PPP)
    4. Convert in PPP
    5. Open Blog
      1. Go to Spreads
      2. Paste the Pick Sheet in and replace previous info. Notice later you add the actual picks by every one.
        1. might need to recopy on snip and drag from as paste (Ctr V) does not seem to work
        2. Publish
      3. Note if other than Sunday games.
    6. ????Click "Online Integration"
      1. click Synchronization
      2. click pools and picks
      3. click update
      4. close
  6.  (ON Monday) Send email saying so far . .
  7. After week is over, ie Tuesday Morning
    1. Open up Adm program on my Computer
    2. Click Scores for week finished
      1. Click "web"
      2. Close
    3. Click spread
      1. Select new week
      2. Click web, close
    4. Click "Online Integration"
      1. click Synchronization
      2. click pools and picks
      3. click update, ok, and
      4. close
    5. Click reports
      1. Weekly Cap sheets (this gives ytd info)
        1. select weekly Cap sheets (this gives ytd info)
        2. arrange as appropriate showing winner for week
        3. snip the chart, then
          1. click PicturePaste Premium (PPP)
          2. Convert in PPP
          3. Open Blog
            1. Go to (Pool Player Performance - YTD)
            2. Paste the ytd stuff on top of the previous week, ie show all weeks.
              1. might need to recopy on snip and drag from as paste (Ctr V) does not seem to work
              2. Might need to make space by going in edit to "Edit HTML" to enter space and then go back to Compose to paste in the picture of ytd
              3. Publish
        4. Check to be sure all weeks show. either view page or view blog and select ytd.
    6.  Go to Program sign in on line 
      1. Sign in as Adm
      3. 123,password
      4. click pool list
        1. select NFL #100
          1. select week just finished "recap Report"
          2. Snip, PPP,Convert, Paste
          3. Paste/Replace the entry for the finished week into the Blog for finished week, will be the home page opening post
    7. Make Picks for line when spreads out
      1. After this need to go to home program and sync again, I am not sure right now of the procedure as I messed up while writing this.
      2. Go to online program and sign in  as "line" the player at
      3. Make/edit  picks for line
      4. do NOT add tie breaker, leave score tie breaker blank , no real reason other than I started that way and in tie it gives other players advantage
    8. Go to my picks and put in the tie breaker points, 43 for richard petty
    9. Go to 123 Adm
      1. Be sure to Sync with online
      2. got to recap report for next week
      3. and copy whatever is there (will update as more info from players input)
      4. Snip, PPP,Convert, Paste replacing last week
      5. go to home program
        1. Go to (Pickem,Spreads,Records) 
        2. paste in bottom the spreads and records fro Adm Program
    10.  When Week is over and I have done all the above on Tueasday morning, send email to Players
  8. Below is duplication, need to look at this later (2010.11.16)
  9. Put Line or Picks  in Blog
    1. Go to NFL Program on my computer
    2. Go to Administrator online  
    3. and sign in as administrator
    4. Select NFL#100
    5. Open Recap Report for previous week results week
    6. Snip it
    7. Goto NFL#100 Blog
    8. goto Pickum . .
    9. Picture paste it at 100%
    10. Convert
    11. Go to . .
    12. go to Home on NFL#100
    15. Select YTD
    16. Paste or drag into
    17. Publish
    18. Check
    19. Repeat as Players make their picks
  10. For don making his picks
    1.  all entered for  year, but cannot put in tie breaker as it messes up the ytd count
    2. Go to online program and sign in  as "don" the player at
    3. Make/edit  picks
    4. add tie breaker
  11. Goto Admi 
  13. to be continued . . .