Wednesday, December 7, 2011

20111204 -NFL (13) and NCAA (14) Picks and Results through Monday night 2011204

  • Linda was first in NFL and Milton first in NCAA for week.
  • Bill is first in year to date in NFL
  • Milton is first in YTD NCAA
  • Don is last in BOTH
Note in previous week:

20111127 -NFL (12) and NCAA (13) Picks and Results through Monday night 20111127
  • Bill won in NCAA with marvelous 14-1.
  • Bill and Linda first in NFL
  • Bill still first ytd in NFL;
  • Linda first ytd in NCAA.
  • Don  LAST in both!
Date NFL This Week NFL YTD NCAA This Week NCAA YTD
12/05 Linda Bill Milton Milton
11/28 Bill Linda Bill Bill Milton

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